Sanskar (Moral code, Ethics)

The child refused to obey
when the priest asked him to pray
"We respect his religious sentiments"
proclaimed the proud modern parents

playstation instead of sports field
chips for breakfast with cola chilled
"Oh! welcome to the fast food age"
"Where's the time to cook now-a-days?"

The child spends hours on the pc
"We respect his wishes and his privacy"
Chatting with strangers or downloading porn
"How could we have even known?"

Watching the idiot box at bedtime
Instead of fairy tales,stories of crime
shows of voilence, hatred and brutality
"Oh! Honesty loses, wickedness wins, that's reality"

A liqour filled cabinet
Unlimited access to internet
adult movie dvds, social apps on mobile phone
With this at home, the child is left alone

"Oh! He will jump over the gate"
"He is usually out till late"
"Must be partying with his friends"
his life has many loose ends

He's got tattoos all over his body
His hair is unkempt, his clothes shoddy
"Oh! That's the look of his favourite rock star"
"I really dont know how he got that scar"

"Oh! Its just the new generation"
are they not our own creation?
"Oh! They just dont listen"
Have we ever tried to reason?

Didn't our parents take pain
to tell us again and again
To make sure we were on the right track
and if we wandered, they'd pull us back

taught us values, ethics and scruples
built our character with the right ideals
dont our children deserve the same?
for their mistake, aren't we to blame?

Parents of the world, unite!
Against immorality is our fight!
for the right moral code for tomorrows star
Lets adorn his inner conscience with Sanskar!

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay

Note : Sanskar is a sanskrit word. There is no word in other languages comparable to ‘Sanskar’.It is difficult to translate it. It has several meanings. However, for the sake of understanding this poem, 'Sanskar’ is like plantation of a seed of human values into the subconscious of a person during his childhood so that adherence of these values become part of his nature and keep on guiding him throughout his life. A person acts according to the ideals which exist in his subconscious without being aware of them. Thus his decisions, his reactions to actions of others and the quality of his actions depend upon the values existing in his subconscious.


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