A Request To My Sons' Teacher

A Request To My Sons' Teacher

As I hand over my sons to you
here are some requests from me
Do everything to see them through
the first stage of their journey

teach them to maintain their self respect
yet never to lose their humility
teach them  that they must not neglect
their goal, their responsibility

teach them to learn from their failure
yet not to concede complete defeat
that their attidude ne'er be cavalier
that it's better to fail than to cheat

teach them how they should harness
as much of worlds wisdom as they can
yet nurture their inquisitiveness
keep learning throughout their life span

that life isn't always agreeable
that every rose also has its thorns
though each event may not be enjoyable
teach them to take the bull by the horns

that honesty always pays in the end
teach them to listen to their heart
to be able to recognize a true friend
to complete everything that they start

that you cannot buy yourself success
that you have to earn every glory
that victory is incomplete unless
you have convinced your quarry

that knowledge is the greatest wealth
and also is the greatest reward
that money cannot buy you good health
that the pen is mightier than the sword

Lets endow them the values we cherish
so that they grow up to be just
lets ensure that our morals dont perish
they carry on the legacy that we entrust

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay


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