A Three Kilometre Walk

A Three Kilometre Walk 

a three kilometre walk
with empty milk bottles rattling
yawning in the queue at the booth
licking cream from the bottle cover
a three kilometre walk
with an overflowing schoolbag
running back during break time
jumping walls to save minutes
a three kilometre walk
to the nearest public phone
where a rupee coin
provided endless minutes of chatting
a three kilometre walk
from the railway station to college
huge collars, bell bottoms, thick belts
neverending cups of tea in the canteen
a three kilometre walk
from the hostel to engineering college
'T' squares and minidrafters peeping
eyes red from late night assignments
a three kilometre walk
to the nearest bakery, juice centre
watching movies in the stuffy parlor
all night canteens during exam time
a three kilometre walk
to the college playground
new teams, lifelong friendships
power hugs drenched with sweat
a three kilometre walk
to the nearest tempo stand
hitching rides for two bucks
on weekends to the highway dhaba
a three kilometre walk
to the nearest bus stop
first job, big break, long hours
learning, teaching, counselling
a ten kilometre ride
to the nearest two wheeler shop
shining chrome, roar of engines
bright lights, wind lashing,hair flying
a three kilometre walk no more
desk job, fried snacks, parties
bulging waistline, clothes stretching
weight scales stare complaining
a three kilometre walk
is what the doctor suggests
is what is put off day after day
is what time cannot be found for

a three kilometre walk never started
blood pressure rises, so do sugar levels
cholestrol, trilglycerides follow suit
heart has a tough time pumping
a three kilometre walk
is what the doctor orders now
new sports shoes, new track suit
heavy breathing, sweat comes pouring
a three kilometre walk
every morning and evening
a 'new' way of life
health regained, refreshing thoughts
© Mandar Jayant Kokatay 


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