COLOURS OF LIFE (From a childs perspective)

COLOURS OF LIFE (From a childs perspective)

The divine blue pair
I always long to stare
The sea and the sky
I do not know why

Every morning I meet
A yellow flower sweet
The suns yellow ray
infuses life in my day

The rich red blood flow
keeps lifes lamp a glow
Red rose marks young loves union
vermelion enhances beauty of maiden

Lonely mountains covered with snow
White like milk that helps us grow
clean and pure like childrens soul
divine truths on ancient white scrolls

The greenery of the trees
gently cleanses the breeze
Provide us with food and shade
natures assets precious as jade

gray clouds bless us with showers
gray steel builds tall towers
twilight washes the world with gray
beginning or end of another day

Black is like the dark of night
All encompassing absence of light
black shoes,tyres and road that link
thoughts penned down with black ink

Water is colourless like glass
both bend light thats let pass
One white is divided in seven
like several paths to same heaven

At the end of the rainbow, lo! behold
There lies a treasure - pot of gold
Kings crown, jewellery of all kinds
This noble metal also incites evil minds

Colours mix and colour blends
True colours find true friends
The colour that makes us whole
is thecolour of the mind and soul

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay


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