Meaning of Dreams

Meaning of Dreams

Can you hear ?
Can you see ?
What the man in the mirror
is trying to tell me?

dreams, hazy images,
spiralling staircases,
long narrow passages,
dark, eerie places,

strange layered rooms,
large sprawling box beds,
shapely bottles of perfumes,
drapes with silken threads,

intricately carved deities,
bridges across deep water,
balconies over many cities,
corridors connect my alma mater,

voices that cant be heard,
icy cold winds whistling,
driving away beastly birds,
blurred shadows chilling,

vehicles that drive on their own,
through dense traffic of beasts,
complex machines with beeps and tones,
enormous tables laden with feasts,

fire pouring out of recesses,
stone walls echoing laughter shrill,
worms scurrying in their crevices,
and dead silence as time stands still,

halls filled with leather bound books,
drawing boards with geometric patterns,
assorted garments hanging on brass hooks,
volatile liquid boiling in huge urns,

is it my mind playing tricks?
replay of forgotten memories?
a past, present , future mix?
a solution to my daily worries?

Can you hear ?
Can you see ?
What the man in the mirror
is trying to tell me?

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay


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