Murder in the womb

Murder in the womb

I was created from
your loves pure seed
The next generation from
your pristine breed

Mom, you sensed me
taking root in you
your happiness engulfed me
you felt born anew

you shared my being
shyly, with dad
i could hear him laughing
saying he's so glad

the day you felt bliss
seeing my heart beat
I felt nurtured in abyss
with your devotion sweet

you pampered me
spoke small baby words
you and I were we
my feelings you heard

until one day suddenly
at the ultrasound clinic
you were told 'its a she'
and I could feel you panic

suddenly i was unwelcome
like an unwanted burden
the change was awesome
my growth was forbidden

why did you end my dream?
didn't you know what I'd feel?
could you not hear me scream?
when they hurt me with steel

I wanted to be born and be
to make you and dad proud
to exist in this world and see
to speak my mind aloud

You rejected me for a 'he'
who hadn't been concieved yet
in fact, you willingly murdered me
will you be able to bear this debt?

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay


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