The Creator Of Beauty

The Creator Of Beauty

The monstrous rock on the hill
grotesque, ill shaped and deformed
was a blot on the smooth landscape
Loathed by the entire village,
had been aptly named 'the horrid one'
A young man, chisel in hand
set out to carve the beast
the skeptical, doubtfully discouraged
the sly ones showed satirical sarcasm
Nevertheless, the sculptor began
toiled through the sun and rain
relentless days ran into weeks
incessant months became years
till at last the miracle dawned
the contours had metamorphosed
the patterns had tranformed
Lo! Behold! the village stared
the most beautiful statue emerged
A face with divine benevolence
that knows no hatred or fear
the horrid one was now elegant
amazed villagers stood dumbfounded
A small boy kissed the sculptors hands
"thank you" said a tearful voice
What a magnificent creation!
Your artistry is absolutely brilliant
The sculptor simply shook his head
"I have not created anything"
The statue was alway there in the rock
It was just that you could not see it
So I removed all the excess around it!

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay

So is the way with people
there is an attractive person
always inside all of us
hidden beneath layers of
hatred, jealousy and anger
when these are removed
with the chisel of love
does the true beauty emerge!


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