Born to live

Born to live…
Live to seek…
Seek to learn…
Learn to imbibe…
Imbibe the wisdom…
To improve the world.

Born to live… 
Live to love…
Love to laugh…
Laugh to rejoice…
Rejoice to spread…
Spread the euphoria of love.

Born to live…
Live to elate…
elate to inspire…
Inspire to hope…
Hope to pray…
Pray for humanity.

Born to live…
Live to exchange…
Exchange to accumulate…
Accumulate to preserve…
Preserve to prepare…
Prepare for tomorrow.

Born to live…
Live to create…
Create to sustain…
Sustain to restore…
Restore the faith…
Faith in civilization.

Born to live…
Live to survive…
Survive to grow…
Grow to overthrow… 
Overthrow oppression…
Oppression of mankind.

Born to live…
Live to contribute…
Contribute to mould…
Mould to shape…
Shape the sphere…
Make it a better world!

Born to live…
Live to ascend…
Ascend to rise…
Rise to lead…
Lead the civilisation…
To a progressive future.

Born to live…
Live to strive…
Strive to achieve…
Achieve to fulfill…
Fulfill the possibilities that life offers…
Live your fullest till you are reborn!

© Mandar Jayant Kokatay


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